Modern IT development and delivery often prioritize speed and cost over quality. This can lead to a decline in quality and other performance requirements. To address these issues, businesses need to find people who can bring solutions. This video provides tips from testing, quality, and automation leader Paul Grizzaffi on how to improve the quality of modern IT development and delivery.

Modern IT development and delivery prioritize speed and cost over quality, leading to stagnation in quality and other performance requirements. This is a major concern for businesses, as it can lead to customer dissatisfaction, lost revenue, and even safety risks.

To address these issues, businesses need to find people who can bring solutions. In a recent interview, Scott Moore spoke with testing, quality, and automation leader Paul Grizzaffi about how to improve the quality of modern IT development and delivery.

Grizzaffi stressed the importance of a shift in mindset. Instead of viewing quality as a cost center, businesses need to see it as an investment. Quality is essential for delivering products and services that meet customer needs and expectations.

Grizzaffi also emphasized the importance of using the latest tools and technologies to automate testing and quality assurance. This can help businesses to identify and fix defects early on, saving time and money in the long run.

How to Improve the Quality of Modern IT Development and Delivery

Here are some tips from Paul Grizzaffi on how to improve the quality of modern IT development and delivery:

  • Shift your mindset. View quality as an investment, not a cost center.
  • Use the latest tools and technologies to automate testing and quality assurance.
  • Focus on early detection and prevention of defects.
  • Build a culture of quality. Make quality everyone’s responsibility.
  • Invest in training and development for your team members.

By following these tips, businesses can improve the quality of their IT products and services, and deliver better value to their customers.

Video Insights

πŸš€ The way software is developed, delivered, and maintained has changed – it’s continuous and constantly moving forward.

πŸͺœ Performance is an essential element of quality in IT, and it has become increasingly complex with the addition of security and other factors.

πŸ§™ Treating software testing as a magical wand can lead to overlooking the core question of whether it is sufficiently valuable for users and clients.

πŸ’‘ It’s important to remember that the core question in technology is whether what we’re creating is fit for purpose, despite the advancements and changes in the field.

πŸ’» The focus on time to market and beating competitors has led to a neglect of quality and performance in modern IT, with companies prioritizing getting features out quickly rather than ensuring a high-quality product.

πŸ§™ The changing role of the QA person: from tester to programmer to scrum master to now DevOps with continuous integration.

πŸ’Ό The division of work between generalists and specialists in IT teams is context-dependent and varies from team to team.

🎸 The debate between Metallica and Megadeth is a mixed bag, with some preferring the newer Megadeth records over the newer Metallica records. The answer is always Slayer.

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